Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme
For employers this will be the most helpful support. It was extended to cover June 2020 and has recently been extended to October 2020 but with changes from July 2020 which will allow phased return to work for individual employees. From August employers will need to cover Employers National Insurance costs and pension costs. From September employers will only receive 70% of wages and will have to contribute 10% for furloughed staff, and for October the amounts will change to 60% with the employer covering 20% of wages. The cap on what will be covered will also be reduced.
HMRC will be taking claims from 20 April 2020 and have now published a step by step guide for employers.
The "claim for wages costs....." document now includes links to an online calculator that can be used to calculate claims for salaried employees. This is a link under "Work out 80% of your employee's usual wage".
HMRC have now updated their documents for the changes applying from 1 July.
A summary has also been published of these changes, there is a link either to the right or below.
You can also now make corrections to past furlough claims (where they decrease the amount of a claim) when you make your next claim, and you can delete a claim withing 72 hours of submitting it.
As of the end of July 2020
details of what to do if you have over- claimed are now contained in a separate document. Details of penalties for uncorrected over-claims and otherwise incorrect claims have also been published.
For those of you who are interested and enjoy a challenging read
the government have published the "Treasury Direction" for the Job Retention Scheme. These are the rules HMRC will be referring to when they administer the scheme.
VAT payments have also been deferred.
This scheme has now ended, any VAT falling due from now on needs to be paid on time. Any VAT payments businesses have deferred need to be settled by 31 March 2021.