If you have untaxed income now is the time of year to think about getting your tax return done, before it gets busy for Christmas. Doing it now will also help you budget if you have a tax bill to pay at the end of January when things are tight for a lot of people.
HMRC offer a useful online checker so you can figure out if you need to do a tax return. It can be found here https://www.gov.uk/check-if-you-need-tax-return.
You will need a UTR or Unique Tax Reference in order to file a return. This is a ten-digit number issued by HMRC, on some of their correspondence they put a three digit tax office reference in front of it. You may already have one if you have completed a return in the past, if not apply right away.
Where you apply depends on whether you are self employed or not.
Don’t worry if you are late registering, if your return is completed on time and you pay your tax this should not cause any problem.
If your affairs are simple you may want to complete your own tax return online. HMRC’s website leads you through a series of questions that tailor your tax return. You then fill in the details of your income and expenses and once everything is ticked off and complete HMRC will show you how much tax is due and you can file your return.
If your affairs are more complicated or if all the terminology is too confusing, you may want the help of an accountant. In addition, there are now various allowances that can be claimed if you want, but there may be good reason not to claim them. There are also options about cash basis or what is known as “accruals” or “invoice” basis for the self-employed. An accountant can help you decide what is best for you.
Using an accountant can take a lot of the stress away, all you need to do is send us your paperwork and we’ll sort it out, interpret what it all means, claim everything you are entitle to and help you plan for the future.